Vertical AI - An Integrated Human-AI-Robot Symbiotic Solution for Smart and Resilient Cities
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Vertical AI - An Integrated Human-AI-Robot Symbiotic Solution for Smart and Resilient Cities



Ir. Prof. Wang Yu-Hsing

Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.

Fellow of the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE).

Director and Founder of Data-Enabled Scalable Research (DESR) Laboratory.



Time: 2:00-3:00 pm

Date: September 17, 2021

Language: Chinese 中文(报告材料为英文)


Zoom Webinar:



Building a world-class smart, resilient, and sustainable city is an endless endeavor of every country. The advent of the AI Era enables the feasibility and even accelerates the progress towards this common goal. In this talk, the recent research development and innovations from the Data-Enabled Scalable Research (DESR) Laboratory of the HKUST will be present to showcase the effectiveness of harnessing the Vertical AI, an integrated solution from sensor design/deployment, data gathering, big-data infrastructure, AI-enabled big data analytics, to the semantic integration for a holistic decision making, to spearhead the development of smart and resilient cities. Different implementations of Vertical AI, e.g., landslide monitoring and management, hazardous trees monitoring, environmental protection and conservation (i.e., Green AI), etc., will be present to demonstrate the capability of Vertical AI. The ultimate intention of this talk is to help us explore the future working mode, i.e., the Human-AI-Robot symbiosis, in the AI Era. That is, how we can get empowered, but not overpowered, by AI and Robotics in the digital world.



Prof. WANG Yu-Hsing received his Ph.D. in Civil Engineering from Georgia Institute of Technology, where he received the George F. Sowers Distinguished Graduate Student Award for Ph.D. Students. He is Professor at the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering and founder/director of Data-Enabled Scalable Research (DESR) Laboratory, the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST). The DESR Lab is a Makerspace, specialized in the applications of Vertical AI, integrated with Geotechnical Internet of Things (Geo-IoT), Big Data Analytics, and Deep Learning, etc., on sustainable urban development and city resilience. In 2005, he received the ASTM International Hogentogler Award. In 2008 and 2017, he received the School of Engineering Teaching Award, HKUST. He has been invited for Keynote and theme lectures in the international conferences and served as associated editors and editorial board members in different journals.

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