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International Symposium of COastal Resources and Environment (CORE) is a platform for researchers to exchange ideas, make new connections, cultivate young researchers and hence advance this field of research. Following two successful CORE events in 2017 and 2018, the coming CORE2021, themed on Coastal Biogeomorphology and Nature-based Solutions, will be held during 12-16 October, 2021 in Nanjing, China. Due to the uncertainty of COVID-19 pandemic, the symposium will be also held online for guests who cannot travel to Nanjing.
CORE2021 is jointly hosted by Hohai University (China), University of Edinburgh (UK), Sun Yat-Sen University (China) and Trinity College Dublin (Ireland). The symposium is supported by the International Association of Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research (IAHR) which is one of the leading international organizations of engineers and professionals in fields related to the water environment.
13 October, Wednesday
08:30-09:00 Opening
09:00-09:40 Prof. Xiping Yu: Impact of Climate Change on Tropical Cyclone Activities
09:40-10:20 Prof. Heidi Nepf: Impact of Coastal Vegetation on Wave Damping and Sediment Resuspension
10:40-11:20 Prof. Hongwei Fang: Mechanics of Biofilm Coated Sediment Transport
11:20-12:00 Prof. Karin Bryan: Issues of Scale and the role of Mangroves in shaping Coastal Processes
14 October, Thursday
14:00-14:40 Prof. Tjeerd Bouma: Managing ecosystems in times of climate change: challenges & opportunities for Nature-based flood defense
14:40-15:20 Prof. Houjie Wang: Wind-induced modulation of shelf sediment dynamics
15:20-16:00 Dr. Clementine Chirol: Saltmarsh biogeomorphology across scales: implications for conservation, habitat restoration and ecosystem services delivery
15:20-16:00 Prof. Qing He: Change and Response-Case Study of Sediment Transport in the Yangtze Estuary
17:00-17:40 Prof. Stijn Temmerman: Forecasting coastal marsh evolution under global change: examples of bio-geomorphological modelling approaches
17:40-18:20 Prof. Colin Woodroffe: Coastal response to sea-level rise: a biogeomorphological perspective

Opening of the Conference
Length :00:01:48

Joseph HW Lee - Openging Remarks by IAHR President
Length :00:07:36

Weiya Xu - Welcome from Vice-President of Hohai University
Length :00:07:41

Xiping Yu - Impact of Climate Change on Tropical Cyclone Activities
Length :00:44:27

Heidi Nepf - Impact of Coastal Vegetation on Wave Damping and Sediment Resuspension
Length :00:50:16

Hongwei Fang - Mechanics of Biofilm Coated Sediment Transport
Length :00:35:35

Karin Bryan - Issues of Scale and the role of Mangtoves in shaping Coastal Processes
Length :00:32:33

Tjeerd Bouma - Managing ecosystems in times of climate change: challenges & opportunities for Nature-based flood defense
Length :00:51:23

Houjie Wang - Wind-induced modulation of shelf sediment dynamics
Length :00:37:13

Clementine Chirol - Saltmarsh biogeomorphology across scales: implications for conservation, habitat restoration and ecosystem services delivery
Length :00:41:18

Qing He - Change and Response-Case Study of Sediment Transport in the Yangtze Estuary
Length :00:41:18

Stijn Temmerman - Forecasting coastal marsh evolution under global change: examples of bio-geomorphological modelling approaches
Length :00:39:45

Colin Woodroffe - Coastal response to sea-level rise: a biogeomorphological perspective
Length :00:48:33