Webinar on Research Trends in the Flow-Sediment-Vegetation Interactions in Fluvial System
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The riparian landscapes in many river reaches have been changing from white sand/gravel bars to greenery lands covered with grass, bush and mature trees. This change can change the riparian ecosystem and the river's engineering functions relevant to the flood management and sediment regimes. Although the succession of recruitment to mature vegetation is considered a part of natural phenomena, the rate of change has been affected by anthropogenic activities caused by alteration of the flow and sediment regimes and water quality traits of the river system. Another driver for possible cause could be a change in rainfall patterns in the critical period of riparian plants' life cycle due to climate change. This special session focuses on  the conceptualization of the cause and effect of such change,  the field investigations on the "greening” of the riparian landscape, and the characteristics, degrees of such change, and impacts (positive and negative) on the riparian ecosystem, including flood management and sediment regimes.

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This webinar starts at 12:00 UTC / London | 13:00 Madrid | 14:00 Johannesburg | 17:30 New Delhi | 20:00 Beijing / Singapore | 21:00 Seoul / Tokyo | 23:00 Sydney | 04:00 Los Angeles | 07:00 New York

1. Opening

     Opening address (5 mins)
     Introduction of the Journal on Ecohydraulics (5 mins)

2. Invited speeches I (20 mins each)

  • Angela Gurnell | Queen Mary University of London, UK
    Changing Rivers: Interactions Among River Flows, Sediments and Vegetation

  • Takashi Asaeda | Saitama University, Japan
    Foliar H2O2 Concertation-Based Stress Modelling in Plants: Implications for Riparian Vegetation Management

  • Chanjoo Lee | Korea Institute of Civil Engineering and Building Technology, Korea
    Change from White to Green River: Long- and Short-term Perspective in Naeseong Stream, Korea

  • Diego Garcia de Jalon | Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, Spain
    Riparian Vegetation Structure in Rivers that Lost Their Dynamism

3. Panel discussion and Q&A (30 mins)

4. Invited speeches II (20 mins each)

  • Gregory Egger | Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany

  • Mark Dixon | Missouri River Institute, University of South Dakota, USA
    Colonization of Reservoir Delta-Backwater Areas by Woody Vegetation: Case Studies from the Missouri River, USA

  • Shanze Li | China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research, China
    What Drives the Plant Distribution in the Riparian Zone of the Three Gorges Reservoir, China

  • Rohan Benjankar | Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, USA
    Riparian Vegetation Recruitment Status at Dam Altered System and an Approach for Restoration

5. Panel discussion and Q&A (30 mins)

6. Concluding remarks (10 mins)

The Journal of Ecohydraulics is an online journal from the International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research (IAHR) published twice a year with the support of China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research (IWHR). Publisher is Taylor and Francis. The Journal welcomes papers from a range of approaches -from physical and numerical modelling to empirical laboratory experimentation and field studies – aimed to answer fundamental questions and solve challenges of value to real world applications. Articles that demonstrate novel investigations and research interactions, bridging disciplinary divides, as well as integrate physical and ecological processes are particularly welcomed.

Fore more details about this journal, please visit Journal of Ecohydraulics

For more IAHR online events, please visit IAHR Webinars

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