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Modelling Free-Surface Flows and Highly Transient Mixed Flows: A 1D Three-Phase Approach

Author(s): F. Kerger; P. Archambeau; B. J. Dewals; S. Erpicum; M. Pirotton

Linked Author(s): Benjamin J. Dewals, Sébastien Erpicum

Keywords: Multiphase flow; Hydraulic Structure; Environmental Flow; Sewer

Abstract: The objective of the current research is to enhance the accuracy of 1D mathematical models for free-surface, pressurized and mixed flows (with a particular emphasis placed on flows relevant in civil and environmental engineering). This improvement is reached by developing a unified methodology to account for air-water interactions and the pressurization of free-surface flows. Our methodology relies on both the continuum assumption and the 3D drift-flux model (which plays the same role for multiphase flows than the Navier-Stokes equations plays for single phase flows. The research results in an original Preissmann slot formulation which accounts for negative pressurized flows and the effect of the air. It also results in an original one-dimensional bi-layer three-phase model. This last model is proven to take into account the multiphase and multi-scale features of environmental flows by comparison with analytical, experimental and numerical results on various benchmarks.


Year: 2010

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