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300 Years ‘De Motu Aquae Mixto’: What Poleni Really Wrote and a New Overflow Theory Based on Momentum Balance

Author(s): A. Malcherek

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Keywords: Poleni formula; Momentum balance; Overflow; Weirs

Abstract: In 1717 Johannes Poleni (Poleni, 1717) published a book called De motu aquae mixto which nowadays is cited as the origin of the famous Poleni weir formula. This book contains two separate booklets. The first booklet is on a general discharge theory for a water body consisting of a blocked dead water height at the bottom and a free-flowing vivid water column above that dead water column. Examples for such a situation include the overflow over a weir or over dunes, or the flow from deeper coastal water into a shallow tidal lagoon. Poleni conducted several experiments using a well-designed device and derived by fitting his data a general discharge formulation depending on the dead and vivid water heights. Later the dependency on the dead water (i. e. the weir height) was forgotten, and the Poleni formula is only cited in the form as we know it today.


Year: 2018

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