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Study on Hydrological Stability of Multi-Layer Porous Riverbed Protection Using Biopolymers

Author(s): Hong-Kyu Ahn; Sang-Hoon Lee

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Keywords: No Keywords

Abstract: In river crossing structures, aprons and riverbed protection shall be installed at the lower side of the structures. For riverbed protection, ripraps, gabions, and concretes are installed to prevent scour in downstream of weirs. However, ripraps and gabions are vulnerable to flood and easily broken as a result of rapid climate changes in recent years. Concretes products are better than the above materials in terms of stability but they may produce toxic substances and adverse effects on aesthetic views. The technology in this study was a multi-level porous riverbed protection technology utilizing biopolymers, which was more stable in terms of flood control than existing technologies and did not emit toxic substances. It strengthened hydraulic stability more than existing technology did. This study investigated hydraulic stability of the developed technology through various tests.


Year: 2018

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