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Improvement of Discharge Observation Accuracy in Ice-Covered Rivers for River Management

Author(s): Y. Suzuki; Y. Watanabe; T. Kuwamura

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Keywords: No Keywords

Abstract: In Hokkaido, there are 13 rivers managed by the national government. These rivers are covered by ice during winter. On these rivers, there are 203 water level and discharge observation stations where river flow observation is conducted by the same method throughout the year even when the river is covered by ice. Ice-covered rivers were surveyed using rotary portable current meters for different measurement durations and positions. It was found that 20-sec observation by 0.2D& 0.8D method afforded the economic efficiency while maintaining sufficient measurement accuracy. A survey using an Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) was also conducted for a shorter duration of flow velocity measurement. Its accuracy was found to be lower than that of portable current meter because ADCP cannot measure at shallow points with high accuracy and, in this experiment, measurement was carried out at shallow points. It was confirmed, however, that prompt observation by ADCP is possible if a certain degree of error is permitted.


Year: 2002

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