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IAHR Global Online Dialogue on Water Engineering Pathways Towards Net Zero
This webinar starts at 12:30noon UTC | 1:30pm Madrid | 8:30pm Beijing | 8:30am New York | Thursday, March. 28, 2024
This webinar, titled "Water Engineering Pathways Towards Net Zero," aims to explore the vital role of water in climate change mitigation and adaptation. It focuses on how hydraulic infrastructures support crucial systems like hydropower, flood prevention, and water treatment globally. Organized by IAHR, this event brings together experts to discuss water's role in achieving the Paris Agreement's goals and SDG6. The session will highlight the interdependency between water management and climate action, emphasizing the need for sustainable mitigation efforts and further research in this area.
Introductory remarks (5 mins)
Elpida Kolokytha | Chair, IAHR Working Group on SDGs
Speakers (7 mins each)
Stefan Uhlenbrook | Director, Hydrology, Water Resources and Cryosphere Branch, WMO
Study on Water Requirements of Climate Mitigation MeasuresAnthony Slatyer | Founding Member, Water Policy Group
Water and Climate Change Mitigation Inter-DependenciesTomasz Kolerski | Chair, IAHR Technical Committee on Ice Research and Engineering
Ice research and engineering in relation to water and climate mitigation measuresRoberto Ranzi | Chair, IAHR Technical Committee on Climate Change Adaptation
The role of interaction between river dynamics and the terrestrial ecosystem on the global carbon cycleGabriele Freni| Chair, IAHR/IWA Joint Committee on Hydroinformatics
Climate change impact on urban water distribution and urban water demand (including the urban water–energy nexus)Daisuke Nohara | IAHR Technical Committee on Water Resources Management
Interdependencies between water and climate change mitigation in hydropower energy production by reservoirsEllis Penning | Chair, IAHR Working Group on Nature Based Solutions
Nature-based solutions, a powerful “option” delivered by ecosystemsMichele Mossa | Chair, IAHR Technical Committee on Eco-hydraulics
Energy supply from sea waves, currents, and tides
Panel discussion (Panelist sharing, 2-3 mins each)
Closing remarks (5 mins)
Elpida Kolokytha | Chair, IAHR Working Group on SDGs
Related Links
IAHR Global Online Dialogue on Hydro-Environment Pathways to Carbon Neutrality (May. 18, 2022)
Webinar on Groundwater: Making the Invisible Visible (March. 30, 2022)
The Fundamental Issues of Global Water Security: Linking Water Security to Nature (March. 22, 2021)