Call for membership positions in the IAHR /IWA Joint Committee on Outfall Systems

Call for New Members IAHR/IWA

The main objectives of the IAHR/IWA Specialist Group on Outfall Systems are to advance the science and technology of all aspects of wastewater discharges from outfalls and their design, and to facilitate communication between the diverse groups of practitioners in the field. The Committee recognizes the considerable potential for integrated systems of wastewater treatment and disposal that consider the response of the receiving waters and their natural assimilative capacity.

The design and siting of outfalls is a complex task that relies on many disciplines including oceanography, civil and environmental engineering, marine biology, construction, economics, public relations and social and cultural matters.

These diverse disciplines are rarely brought together in a single group and the strength of the Joint Committee is the linkage of the expertise of IWA, which is more oriented towards wastewater treatment and water quality issues (e.g. micro-biological modelling, nutrient transformation, algae growth, sedimentation and flocculation processes), with the expertise of IAHR, which is more oriented towards hydraulics and fluid mechanics (e.g. jets and plumes, stratified flows, coastal flows, river conditions, mixing and transport processes, physical and numerical modelling, wave forcing, pipe scouring, internal manifold hydraulics).

We are currently calling on all IWA and IAHR members to apply for membership positions in the IAHR /IWA Joint Committee on Outfall Systems.

The perfect candidates for the positions will be those:

  • Who have a passion to work with outfall systems and believe in the services they provide to mankind and the environment in a sustainable world;

  • Who are willing to disseminate knowledge and advance awareness of outfall systems to the community at large;

  • Who can work collaboratively with other team members to develop the activities fostered by the Committee; and

  • Who take pride in working with two of the most prestigious and active water associations in the world.

It is the intention of the Committee to ensure that the board is composed of a good mix of geographical location, and topical and professional interest, as well as to ensure the involvement of Young Water Professionals.

The more time the candidate can devise to the Committee’s activities the more the Committee can achieve, however it is expected that at least 20 hours a year will be required for the positions. The chosen candidates will be selected for a term between 2 up to a maximum of 6 years. As this is a voluntary position, no (financial) remuneration will be provided.

If you are interested in one of the positions, please submit a short biography (max 300 words) and a letter of intent or motivation describing how you aim to serve the IAHR / IWA Joint Committee on Marine Outfall Systems. Please submit your application to before the 5th of July 2024.

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