IAHR Young Professionals Network |

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As a young professional or a student, you can become part of a network of more than 2,500 peers and engage with colleagues and mentors at the top of their field


Being an IAHR Young Professional helps you build and nurture your professional career. By joining IAHR as a Young Professional, you’ll be part of a thought-leading global community working together for a better and sustainable water future for all.

Join a new generation of future hydro-environment professionals and researchers and make a real difference!

  • IAHR Young Professionals Network

IAHR Young Professionals Network

Joining the IAHR Young Professional Network (YPN) means becoming part of a network of around 2500 young professionals from all over the world and students and more than 55 Young Professional Networks (YPNs) in 31 different countries.

>> Access the full list of YPNs

>> Access the IAHR members directory

 IAHR Young Professionals Network: A community of the future

IAHR Young Professionals Networks (YPNs) ensure that new generations of future hydro-environment professionals and researchers have the opportunity to engage in IAHR activities, network and connect with peers and senior IAHR members, receive mentoring and support, and get access to the latest knowledge, information and know-how in the early stage of their careers.

YPN members represent the backbone of the future IAHR and play an important role within the association through their activities and initiatives.

Through the IAHR Young Professionals Networks (YPNs), young professionals and students can:

Download Young Professionals Membership brochure for more information!.pngMake connections and engage

  • Leverage networking and knowledge exchange opportunities virtually and in-person.

  • Actively participate in IAHR technical committees, working groups, and projects and help address the world’s most pressing water challenges.

Access knowledge resources

Join events

  • Take part in IAHR events such as symposiums, seminars, workshops, the biennial world congress, regional congresses, and the annual Young Professionals Congress. 

  • Attend webinars specially designed for young professionals (how to write a good paper, how to best approach paper writing, etc.)

  • Participate in job fairs at global and regional congresses.

Invest in your future

  • Benefit from training and mentoring opportunities.

  • Regularly receive information about research and professional opportunities from IAHR Institute members and collaborating partners.

  • Take advantage of a wide range of funding and travel grant opportunities.

  • Apply for IAHR young professionals awards.

  • Join field and group trips.

… and much more!

"Starting a career as a young (water) professional is not straightforward and we try to help with networking and training opportunities"

Edoardo Bertone, Griffith University

 IAHR YPNs initiatives

IAHR Young Professionals Congress

IAHR Young Professionals Congress

Since 2020

Learn more

IAHR Young Professionals Challenge

IAHR Young Professionals Challenge

Since 2021

Learn more

IAHR Young Professionals Webinar Series

IAHR Young Professionals Webinar Series

Since 2023

Learn more

IAHR Water Jobs

IAHR Water Jobs: Discover the latest job offers!                         

Since 2024

Learn more

YPNs latest news

IAHR Water JobsPlease refer to the YPNs pages to keep regularly informed about the activities organised by each Young Professionals Network (YPN). You can also subscribe to the monthly IAHR e-bulletin NewsFlash World, where a dedicated YPN section is included. Please contact the IAHR communications and marketing manager if you are a YPN and would like to include your activities in your page and in NewsFlash World.

Subscribe to the IAHR Young Professionals Mailing list to receive PhD and other career opportunities!

Discover the latest new IAHR initiatives for young professionals!

Forthcoming international events

Past events

Annual report of activities

Social media

Latin American YPNs


Related activites

Membership benefits at your fingertips

Young Professionals specific benefits include:

  • Free digital access and a special rate for the printed version of the following IAHR journals:

Journal of Hydraulic Research (JHR)Journal of Hydraulic Research (6 issues per year)

The Journal of Hydraulic Research (JHR) publishes research papers in theoretical, experimental and computational hydraulics and fluid mechanics, relating to rivers, lakes, estuaries, coasts, constructed waterways, and some internal flows such as pipe flows. To reflect current trends in water research, articles that explore outcomes of interdisciplinary hydro-environment studies with a strong fluid mechanical component are especially welcome. Although preference is given to fundamental issues, papers focusing on important unconventional or emerging applications of broad interest are also appreciated.

jawer_100px.jpgJournal of Applied Water Engineering and Research (4 issues per year)

The Journal of Applied Water Engineering and Research (JAWER) publishes papers and practical case studies on all aspects of hydro-environment engineering and research. JAWER welcomes applications related to integrated water resources management and hydro-policy and aims for international dissemination of innovative methods that will specifically showcase studies on interfacing technology-based solutions within the hydro-environment and their ecological value and services.

ribagua_100px.jpgRIBAGUA - Revista Iberoamericana del Agua (2 issues per year)

The Ibero American Water Journal (RIBAGUA) plays a unique role in helping researchers, engineers, and stakeholders in the region communicate their work in Spanish and Portuguese and focuses on topics of interest to the continent.

joe_100px.jpgJournal of Ecohydraulics (2 issues per year)

The Journal of Ecohydraulics is an international, peer reviewed journal, publishing high-quality, original research. It publishes varied research undertaken in ecohydraulics, covering water resources and aquatic life, ecology, biology, hydraulics, engineering, geoscience, environmental science, climate change, and other related fields, with an emphasis on the integration of these disciplines and the contributions they can make for a sustainable future.

JRBM_100.jpgJournal of River Basin Management (4 issues per year)

The International Journal of River Basin Management (JRBM) plays a specific role in promoting a cross-sectorial approach encompassing all aspects of river and floodplain management, with a truly global perspective. The Journal is a response by the scientific and professional community to the World Water Vision and calls for an integrated approach to water resources management.

  • Fully searchable access to any archived articles appearing in past issues of the journals.

  • A free subscription to the online version of Hydrolink magazine.

  • A special rate for the online and printed version of the Journal of Hydro-environment Research (4 issues per year)

  • Free access to the IAHR membership platform with access to proceedings, papers, committees, the member directory, and much more;

Urban Water JournalThe option to subscribe to the following IAHR associated journals:


- Urban Water Journal (10 issues per year)

- Journal of Hydroinfomatics (6 issues per year)

- Journal of Sediment Research (6 issues per year)

  • Discounts on all books, monographs and proceedings published by IAHR and Taylor & Francis

  • The option to apply for Article Publishing Charge (APC) waivers to publish in Water Science and Engineering (Open Access)

Revista Hdirolationamericana de Jóvenes Investigadores y ProfesionalesAn opportunity for Latin American young professionals to publish in the Revista Hidrolationamericana de jóvenes investigadores y profesionales (IAHR Latin American Water Journal of Young Researchers and Professionals)

Published in Spanish once a year, the journal provides an opportunity for young researchers and professionals to make their research and work known and also provides the hydraulic Latin-American community with an overview of the research and original work carried out in different institutions.

Indexed in Latindex!

YPN communications kit

Access the complete IAHR communications kit

YPN logo kitYPN logo kit

The YPN logo is available in several colours and file formats. If you need the logo in another format or size, please contact IAHR communications manager at:

Please request the logo of your network to the IAHR communications and marketing manager.

A presentation about the YPNsA presentation about the YPNs

Please feel free to use this presentation to promote IAHR's Young Professsionals Networks and inform other young professionals and students about the benefits of joining a YPN.


Virtual background

Please feel free to use this virtual background when organising your YPN-related virtual activities in Zoom, Skype, or any other conferencing app. Please request the virtual background of your network to the IAHR communications and marketing manager.

YPN governing rules and guidelines

YPN membership fees

2024 fee young members.png

*IAHR membership is available on a two-tier fee structure with fees considerably lower for members from lower income countries. Countries are classified according to the World Bank’s country classification system. Low and middle-income countries are classified at the IAHR "lower" fee rate.

Join as a Young Professional member or Renew

  Start a new YPN Renew YPN

If you have any questions or would like to know the details of another exisiting network, please contact Sally Feng at

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