During the last meeting of the IAHR technical commitee on Fluvial Hydraulics on 8 July 2020 at the River Flow 2020 conference, it was decided to elect two people to integrate the leading team of the commitee. Five candidates have declared willing to serve as leading team members. In order to select two of them, an electronic vote is organized during the period from 30 July to 22 August.
1. Mr Cesar Adolfo Alvarado Ancieta
Dipl. Ing., MSc, Civil Engineer
Born in Lima, Peru, 1970. Peruvian-German. Married, 3 children. Base: Prague, Czech Republic and Nuremberg, Germany, involved in projects worldwide.
Civil Engineer, Lima, 1994. Postgraduate: Leichtweiß Institute for Hydraulic Engineering, TU Braunschweig, Germany, 1999; Stockhom-Lulea-Jokkmokk Training Center, Sweden 2000; ICH-NTNU Trodheim, Norway, 2001.
MSc Hydraulic Engineering. Thesis: “Bed topography and scour in sharp river bends and influence of bank protection works“, IHE-Delft, The Netherlands, 2004.
30 years international experience, > 40 countries, Latam, Africa, Asia and Europe working as a team leader, international expert, resident construction and project manager, researcher.
Interests: fluvial hydraulics, river geomorphology, sedimentation, flood control strategies, risks, river intakes, hydropower and dams.
To promote high qualified technical/cultural interchanges with worldwide members, and to expand IAHR membership to engineers working as private consultants besides of the academy university sector.
To impulse between members specific fluvial hydraulics webinars, with lecture case presentation and discussion into a panel and open questionary, giving chances to members to present their outputs.
Elaboration of a monograph with participation of experienced and young engineers, topic: 'Bed topography, scour and river bank protection.
Promotion of River Flow 2024 in Peru.
Current research and publications:
River morphological changes in the equilibrium - river narrowing.
Aggradation and degradation of Piura upper and lower river basin and flood control strategies after El Niño flood event in 2017, Peru
Major researches on fluvial hydraulics comprise Piura and Ucayali river in Peru, Chao-Phraya river in Thailand, Angara river in Russia, and others.
2. Prof. Mário J. Franca
I am Professor of Hydraulic Engineering for River Basin Development at IHE Delft Institute for Water Education and at the Delft University of Technology (TUDelft), the Netherlands. Before joining IHE Delft and TUDelft, I held academic positions at the EPFL-Switzerland, New University of Lisbon and University of Coimbra (Portugal). I served in many instances as consultant in hydraulic engineering and was head of the hydraulics department in an engineering company. I served and serve in several faculty commissions and participated recently in a MOOC on Fluvial Hydraulics. My research focus on fluvial hydraulics; turbulent processes in open-channel flows; sediment transport; fluvial geomorphology; density currents; and non-conventional hydropower. I am an active member of IAHR, EGU and AGU and I was part of the local organizing committees of the River Flow conferences in 2006, 2014 and 2020, in Lisbon, Lausanne and Delft respectively. I am regularly convener of sessions and special sessions at IAHR conferences and EGU General Assembly and I am associate editor of Water Resources Research (AGU).
As a member of the IAHR technical committee on Fluvial Hydraulics, besides participating in the regular actions of the committee, I would like to contribute to (i) clarification of the Coleman award relevance and procedures; (ii) hybridization of conferences (online + in presence); (iii) establishment of online procedures to allow more participation on the committee meeting and decisions; (iv) promote fluvial hydraulic topics in other IAHR conferences; (v) open the committee for more diversity.
3. Prof. Donatella Termini
Full Professor in Hydraulics, University of Palermo, Italy.
Present research efforts include the investigation in fluvial hydraulics and eco-hydraulics (flow resistance, effect of vegetation, sediment transport, effects of bed roughness), prediction of river morphological evolution both through experimental investigations and by developing numerical simulation codes. More than 180 papers published in proceedings of national and international congresses and in international scientific journals. Leader or collaborator of national or EU research projects. Organizing chair of "M.S.Yalin Memorial Colloquium" years: 2013, 2015. Reviewer for many international journals; Guest Editor of the Elsevier Journal Advances in Water Resources; Member of Editorial Boards.
Visiting professor and research fellows:
2019 Visiting Professor at "Federal Rural University", Pernambuco, Brazil.
2019 Visiting Professor at Queen's University, Kingston, Canada.
2018 Research staying at Lab. des-Écoulements Géophysiques et Industriels (LEGI), Grenoble, France.
2015 Research staying at IGB, Berlin, Germany.
2007 Research staying at Queen’s University, Kingston, Canada.
1993 Research staying at Queen’s University, Kingston, Canada.
2019: Award of Best Researcher 2019 in Hydrodynamics and Fluvial processes Rula Awards and Ijrula.
2018: “Sapio" award for the research and the innovation - sector Safety.
2007: Karl Emil Hilgard Hydraulic Prize”, by ASCE.
2010: GII - Idra Prize for best poster.
Contribution: As an active member of the IAHR tehcnical commitee on Fluvial Hydraulics I will promote actions (interactive working groups, seminars, colloquium,..) stimulating active partecipation of young researchers in specific topics and establishing links between leading scientist and young researchers. Among various activities, there is also the possibility to promote the organization of Riverflow 2026 in Palermo (Italy).
4. Prof. Junqiang Xia
Prof. Junqiang Xia is the Head of Department of River Engineering, Wuhan University since 2015, and the Deputy Director of the State Key Laboratory of Water Resources and Hydropower Engineering Science since 2019. Prof. Xia received the first degree and MSc from Wuhan University in 1996 and 1999, and obtained the PhD from Tsinghua University in 2002, and then he worked as an assistant and associate professor until 2009. During the period 2007-2010, Prof. Xia also worked in Cardiff University as a RA with Prof. Roger A. Falconer, and he joined Wuhan University as a full professor in 2010. His research interests cover sediment transport, channel evolution and numerical modelling, flood modelling and risk assessment. Prof. Xia has published about 220 peer-reviewed journal papers (including 72 SCI-indexed papers) and 6 monographs, and he has the reputable title of “Distinguished Professor of Changjiang Scholars” and the gainer of “National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars”. He obtained 2 national second-prizes and 11 ministry-level first- or second-prizes. In addition, he also received three international awards from the UK RAEng and RS.
I wish to be a member of the leadership team of the FHC. If elected, I will continuously contribute to research and education of fluvial hydraulics, and will especially focus on significant channel degradation processes in the Lower Yellow River and the Middle Yangtze River influenced by severe human activities. In addition, I will contribute my effort to academic or service work for the FHC, including attending the conferences and organizing the FH sessions in the future IAHR Congresses, ISRS and RF conferences.
5. Prof. Yonghui ZHU
I am a professorate senior engineer at the Changjiang River Scientific Research Institute (CRSRI, the Changjiang River was formerly named the Yangtze River), an institutional member of IAHR in Wuhan, China. I obtained a doctorate in hydraulic engineering from Delft University of Technology (TUDelft) in 2006. Currently I serve as deputy director of the River Research Department of CRSRI, and part-time graduate supervisor of Wuhan University and Hohai University as well. The River Research Department has a history of nearly 70 years and has been devoted to the research on river sediment, the fluvial process and management of the Yangtze River Basin, etc. My personal research interests include evolution and regulation of rivers and lakes, river modeling technology, flood protection and disaster mitigation, etc. I have published 120+ peer reviewed papers, 2 books, and provided peer-reviewing service to nearly 20 international and national journals.
I first learned about IAHR around 2001, when I was a PhD student at TUDElft and Delft was the seat of IAHR secretariat at that time. Since then, IAHR has had a very high status in my mind. From the 31st IAHR World Congress in Seoul in 2005, I have participated in almost every Congress and many other conferences supported by IAHR, and I joined the IAHR at the 32nd World Congress in Venice in 2007. I am also member of the executive committee of the IAHR China Chapter since 2014.
I would be honored to be able to serve the Fluvial Hydraulics community as part of its Leadership Team. I commit to bring my enthusiasm and professional experience to help expand the impact of the committee in China and internationally, and to promote exchanges and cooperation in Fluvial Hydraulics between different countries and institutions. I also look forward to contributing to the organization of international congress or symposiums for the committee.