[TC update] Welcome to the new leadership team of the IAHR technical committee on Groundwater Hydraulics and Management

The IAHR technical committee on Groundwater Hydraulics and Management has elected a new leadership team. The elected chair, Professor Alberto Guadagnini, welcomes the renewed leadership team and addresses the following message to the members of the technical committee:

Prof. Alberto GuadagniniDear members,

I am proud and honoured to continue serving IAHR in my capacity as chair of the Leadership Team of the technical committee on Groundwater Hydraulics and Management. I am also extending a warm welcome to the new Leadership Team, who will be strongly engaged in designing a series of exciting activities to enhance visibility of what is often considered an invisible water resource. Groundwater is a strategic resource for drinking water supply and is key to guarantee ecosystem quality, energy, and food security. While groundwater resources provide drinking water to a large amount of the global population and account for a vast fraction of water used for irrigation, a large percentage of the world's aquifers are estimated to be overexploited. As Leadership Team (LT), we will promote sharing knowledge and best practices to face modern key challenges related to the proper management of such a resource and the appropriate assessment and forecast of its quality status. The LT will strive to enhance cooperation with other international associations with a view to contribute to the main theme of World Water Day 2022, "Groundwater: Making the Invisible Visible". We encourage the scientific and technical community to be engaged with us in a joint effort to increase awareness about the way everybody can contribute to preserve such a valuable resource.

Best regards,

Prof. Alberto Guadagnini

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