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Effective Tools for Modelling the Groundwater Dynamics in Large and Complex Aquifers

Author(s): Karol Kosorin

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Abstract: The free boundary and the model largeness and complexity problems create frequently serious limitations in computer simulations of groundwater dynamics in real conditions. The paper presents some basic information on the effective model systems INKANS and SKOKY being built upon on correct solution of these problems. The solution arises from methodological possibilities of the hydrodynamic theory of boundaries[2]and directly relates to solution of the problem of unknown moving boundary of flow, see[2], [3]and[4]. Model system INKANS+SKOKY is suitable for computer simulation of groundwater dynamics -in large and complex aquifers -simultaneously in regional and local scale -accepting correct interaction with surface waters and underground structures -with possibility to apply it to solution of special tasks induced by singular effects. Both models have been successfuly applied to various simulation tasks, e. g. INKANS to the 3-D groundwater dynamics in large aquifer with complex interaction with channel and river system. 3-D pressure and velocity fields in domains with flow singularities were simulated by SKOKY. Several application samples are presented in grafical form.


Year: 1999

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