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Flood Risk Management Due to Climate Variability in Catamayo-Chira Binational Basin

Author(s): Julio Montenegro Gambini

Linked Author(s): Julio Isaac Montenegro Gambini

Keywords: Binational Basin; Flood; Climate Variability; Risk Management; Dam operation

Abstract: The current issue in the basin focuses on a process of climate change with a clear trend of increasing humidity, with larger and more intense rainfall therefore higher runoff, shortening return periods of extreme events. The operation of hydraulic structures, such as the principal: Poechos Reservoir, affected by sedimentation, especially in very wet years where there are increasingly more likely opportunities for events of magnitude greater, is faced with the difficult problem of considerable excess water discharges, increasing the risk of flooding in the areas located downstream threatening the social and economic infrastructure. Based on hydrometeorological analysis have been developed isohyets maps and 3D surfaces to assess the spatial distribution of rainfall with altitude, considering temporary scenarios with El Nino phenomenon and without it to see the weather patterns of the basin, considering also humidity levels. An analysis of maximum flood and traffic simulation downloads in the basin, using various programs like HEC plataforms and GIS processes, Risk assessment is given through the analysis of probability of extreme events, for different volumes and expected levels of the reservoir. An estimate of damage, according to recent census records, after work, it is necessary to design and establish an action plan for the emergence and identification of possible flooded areas, improving the existing density, especially in sections of high population density and also achieving optimal emergency mobilization. It is necessary a network of weather stations and especially in gauging the confluence of the tributaries of the Chira to understand and manage water resources and extreme events, within a comprehensive hydro-meteorological early warning.


Year: 2013

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