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River Restoration and Flood Protection Through Nature-Based Solutions

Author(s): Juan Ortas Gonzalez; Jose Maria Sanchez Sanz; Jose Ignacio Diaz-Caneja Nieto

Linked Author(s): Sebastian Schwindt

Keywords: Floods; Nature-Based Solutions; River; Restoration

Abstract: When the water, in its natural path, from the snow to the sea, using the planned channels, encounters interference, it is when water overflows or soaks land that is normally dry and floods happens. There are few places on Earth where people do not need to be concerned about flooding; not for nothing flooding accounts for 40% of all natural disasters worldwide and causes about half of all deaths from natural disasters. Governments and technicians are involved in flooding process management and assessment, looking for solutions in predicting floods, minimizing effects, preventing causes and, also, finding out how could use natural options to reduce flooding areas. Massive efforts to mitigate and redirect floods have resulted in some of the most ambitious engineering efforts ever seen. However, natura-based solutions are in the Public Administration spotlight. Focusing on the last option, Eptisa has been and continue working for national and international water authorities on a long project list. This paper describes Eptisa´s contribution in using NNBF development, as the choice solution in adopted flood protection measures in both; PHC and PGRI, showing and assessing the key components and the followed methodology. The Eptisa´s contribution is focusing, in particular, on the experiences carried out, historically from 2000, and specifically, in recent years, and the best practices that from such broad experience can be infered. This is done by highlighting Eptisa's experience in two different areas of interest due to their relationship with using defense against floods and the improvement of river habitats


Year: 2022

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