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Combining Satellite Data on Evapotranspiration for Improved Spatial Pattern of Hydrological Model: Impact on Appropriate Pedo-Transfer Function Selection

Author(s): Hadis Mohajerani; Markus Casper; Christopher Hutengs; Mathias Jackel; Jesus Rodrigo-Comino; Michael Vohland

Linked Author(s): Hadis Mohajerani

Keywords: Soil hydraulic parameterization; Model evaluation; Simplified Surface Energy Balance; Catchment water balance; Pattern comparison

Abstract: In physically based catchment modeling, one of the most crucial tasks is to sufficiently parameterize the soils, where water balance components are highly sensitive to the spatial structure of soil hydraulic properties. To estimate these parameters, Pedo-Transfer functions (PTFs) are applied, which define the functional relationships that transfer available measurable soil properties into missing soil parameters. By selecting different PTFs, a wide range of different hydrological model behavior can be produced. However, this might still result in an acceptable representation of the discharge hydrograph at the catchment outlet. Hence, model evaluation using streamflow measurements exclusively at catchment outlet may lead to implausible results and possibly to inappropriate decision making in water management, since this approach does not consider the spatiotemporal variability of hydrologic states and fluxes such as evapotranspiration (ET). Therefore, this study aims at aligning the soil parameterization towards mapping a plausible hydrological behavior, and seeking to reflect on the question “which PTF can accurately produce the spatial patterns of the ET?”. To carry this out, additional information on the soil moisture and ET patterns are employed by remote sensing data (Landsat-8 satellite images, SSEB


Year: 2022

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