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A Basic Research on Altitude Distribution of Snow Depth in Wide Area

Author(s): Yoshihiro Asaoka; So Kazama; Masaki Sawamoto

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Keywords: Ltitude distribution of snow depth; Snow increasing coefficient; Snow line; Snow retreat rate

Abstract: NOAA/AVHRR satellite data were utilized for temporal and spatial analysis of snow covered area. The relationship between snow depth and altitude distribution was investigated to estimate snow distribution in East Japan (250,000km2). At first, the gradients of snow depth to elevation (snow increasing coefficient) were estimated at AMeDAS observation points during1998 winter season. Secondly, the distribution of retreat rates of snow line was evaluated with the images of snow covered area, which are estimated with NOAA/AVHRR satellite data. Thirdly, the relationship between the snow increasing coefficient and the retreat rate was investigated. As the results, the followings are obtained; the movement of snow line in snowmelt season is understood, and snow increasing coefficient is inverse proportion to retreat rate of snow line. It was possibly estimate snow depth in retreat region during snowmelt season.


Year: 2001

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