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Application of Fuzzy Logic to Model Fish Habitat Changes in the Downstream of Lijiang River Due to Reservoir Operations

Author(s): Ruonan Li; Qiuwen Chen; Shiyong Wu; Hongmei Wang

Linked Author(s): Qiuwen Chen

Keywords: Reservoir operations; Fish habitats; Water quality model

Abstract: The modification of aquatic environment due to river regulations has great impacts on the downstream fish habitat. It is important to quantitatively evaluate these effects and seek for possible remediation measures. Eco-hydraulics models that integrate hydrodynamics processes and ecological processes are proved efficient to achieve the objective. This study developed a fuzzy logic fish habitat model and combined it with the hydrodynamic and water quality models to assess the living suitability of fish in different life stage. The developed model was applied to a section of the Lijiang River, which is a typical mountainous river and is famous for the delicacy scenery. The river ecosystem has been largely affected by the flow regulations for tourism cruise through the operations of the upstream Qingshitan Reservoir. It is expected to reproduce the historical changes of the fish habitat and foresee the future evolutions through the model simulations. The model results are seen that the Qingshitan reservoir regulation increased the suitability of the spawning and overwintering conditions, especially during the wet and dry years.


Year: 2009

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