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Watsup Model: An Elemental Demand Water Supply Modelling System

Author(s): M. G. Murray; P. M. Murray

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Keywords: Disaggregated Model; Elemental Demands; Poisson Process; Residential Water Demands; Water Demand; Water Supply

Abstract: The WatSup™ Model provides high resolution simulations for a wide range of stochastic and deterministic water demand/supply scenarios with multiple users grouped in modules/nodes for dendritic water supply systems. Elemental demands, which can specify the use of a mixture of mains and/or locally stored water, are modelled as flow against time and each elemental demand may be modelled as a stochastic process with modeller-defined variability or as a deterministic process that occurs at known times. The stochastic elemental demands may include queuing, and elemental demands of both types may be mixed in a simulation to create typical node and network flows. Flow limits and hydraulic constraints are observed, and unsatisfied elemental demands carried forward until satisfied. The WatSup Model uses an advanced object-oriented numerical engine to provide a robust, fast modelling system with a time step of one second to minimise aliasing.


Year: 2003

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