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Numerical Modeling of Landslide and Landslide Generated Waves in Reservoir

Author(s): Radianta Triatmadja, Nurul Azizah, Benazir -

Linked Author(s): Radianta Triatmadja

Keywords: Landslide modeling, landslide generated wave, flood mitigation, numerical method, dam safety

Abstract: Karalloe dam is in the progress of construction. It is located in the District of Gowa of South Sulawesi Province. The dam is intended to store water for irrigation and domestic water purposes. Visually there are three zones of potential landslides at the embankment of the reservoir especially during high water level (Wijaya, et al. , 2016). The potential landslide volume was 2. 53 million m3 at Zone 1, 0. 83 million m3 at Zone 2, and 0. 3 million m3 at Zone 3. During rainy seasons when the water in the reservoir is high or even if it reaches the maximum allowable elevation, these areas of the reservoir slopes may slide down and enter the water creating tsunami like waves. Wijaya et al. (2016) indicated that the areas are nearly unstable during reservoir high water with the safety factor of less than 1. 5 based on SLOPE/W software. This safety factor is considered insufficient especially with additional load due to rainstorm that makes the slope even less stable. Therefore, it is essential to carry out studies to identify the hazards that the landslide may create for necessary mitigation of the flood disaster. The aim of the research is to simulate the landslide and landslide generated wave in the Karalloe reservoir to observe its possible run-up and overtopping on the dam body. The landslide movement was modeled based on Wang and Sassa (2010). The movement of the landslide front followed the dry and wet scheme by Goto et al. (1997)


Year: 2017

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