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Consolidation and Melting of Sea Ice Ridges

Author(s): Alexey Marchenko

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Keywords: Sea ice ridges; Consolidation; Melting; Regelation

Abstract: A thermodynamic model describing consolidation and melting of sea ice ridges is formulated. Volume crystallization of the brine filling the voids between ice blocks inside ridge keel and regelation of ice blocks around their contact surfaces are main physical mechanisms responsible for the consolidation of ice ridges in the model. Finite element method and the program MATLAB are used for the calculations of consolidation and melting of two-dimensional model of realistic ice ridge with five groups of input parameters. Variations of ice volume and porosity, the thickness and the shape of consolidated layer, temperature distribution inside the ridge and heat fluxes from the ocean are analyzed depending on input parameters of the model. The results of simulations are interpreted also by the analysis of the data of virtual “drilling” of the ridge as in the field studies.


Year: 2006

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