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Morphology of a First-Yesr Ridge and Its Influences on Design Ice Load in the Sea of Okhotsk

Author(s): Kazuyuki Kato

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Keywords: Sea of Okhotsk; Ice load; First-year ridge; Monte Carlo simulation

Abstract: To establish a rational design ice load estimating system for the Sea of Okhotsk, the morphological and mechanical parameters for ice features in the region must be data-based. However there is too little information to establish a reliable database. In the paper, the author tentatively determines morphological and mechanical parameters of a first-year ridge by literature survey. A design ice load estimating system based on the Monte Carlo simulation is developed and some sensitivity analyses are conducted. It is suggested that the thickness of consolidated layer predominantly influences on the design ice load and also concluded that the encounter rate of ridge affects remarkably on the design ice load. Those suggestions result in the recommendation that the statistical studies on the morphology and strength of consolidated layer and the encounter rate should be conducted with the highest priority.


Year: 2006

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