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1-D Streamwise Finite Element Model of Dissolved Oxygen Under River Ice

Author(s): K. D. White

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Keywords: No Keywords

Abstract: Dissolved oxygen (DO), a critical element in riverine systems, is required to support aquatic life and maintain good water quality. The presence of an ice cover can limit reaeration, resulting in additional depletion of oxygen to levels that are below those required to support aquatic life and degrade wastewater effluents. In addition, rivers that rely largely on groundwater inflow during the winter may already be suffering from oxygen depletion because of the generally low levels of oxygen in groundwater. While DO modeling of rivers in open water, warm weather conditions is successful. the additional complexities introduced by ice as well as limited continuous data regarding the biochemical characteristics of flow in ice-covered rivers have prevented the development of a relatively simple model for estimating DO in the ice-covered case. This paper presents a prel iminary I-D finite element model based on the modified Streeter-Phelps equations describing oxygen deficits, and provides a brief comparison with numerical results obtained by McBean el. al. (1979).


Year: 1998

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