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Compressive Ice Failure

Author(s): Ian Jordaan; Jing Xiao

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Keywords: No Keywords

Abstract: Failure of ice in compression is associated with most cases of transmission of load from the ice to the structure. Fractures in the fonn of spalls cause the formation of high-pressure zones within the compressive failure region. Primarily because of the geometry of these zones, they are almost entirely in compression, developing high confining pressures towards the centre. At the same time, it has been observed in the full- and medium-scale tests that there is a rather distinct failure mode in addition to the spall (fracture) failures. This consists of a compressive failure of the high-pressure zones, in which crushed ice particles are ejected from the edges of the zone with associated dynamics. The laboratory and numerical work leading to an understanding of this process is described. The laboratory investigation consisted of triaxial compressive tests simulating the behaviour of ice in the high-pressure zones. The results were used to develop constitutive models suitable for insertion into finite element analyses. The results are promising as regards a physical explanation of the behaviour of these zones. Various modelling issues are discussed in the paper including the question of areal density of the high-pressure zones, and associated probabilistic analysis.


Year: 1998

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