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Full 2D Calculation of Ice Generation, Transport and Buildup in Natural Rivers

Author(s): Patrick Beauchemin; Claude Marche; Jean-Philippe Saucet

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Keywords: No Keywords

Abstract: This paper presents a full two-dimensional mathematical model for the calculation of the ice cover formation in a natural river at winter's onset. The model considers the generation of ice in free-flowing areas, the transport of drifting ice and the deposition of drifting ice particles on the underside of a static ice cover. The cover's mechanical stability is not evaluated, and no shoving is considered to occur within the cover. The cover thus thickens either due to thermal effects or through the undercover deposition of ice particles. The cover's growth in plan is modelled through the processes of border ice progression and upstream progression of the leading edge by the juxtaposition of ice floes. Calculation results are presented for a test case that considers the accumulation of ice in a river estuary.


Year: 1994

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