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Response of Distinct Ice Floes to Ocean Gravity Waves

Author(s): Sveinung Loset; Susan Frankenstein; Hayley H. Shen

Linked Author(s): Susan Frankenstein

Keywords: No Keywords

Abstract: This study reports six degrees of freedom ice floe motion measurements from the marginal ice zone (MIZ) during April 1990 in the Barents Sea. Two identical ice motion packages were deployed alternatively on five individual ice floes at different distances from the ice edge. The motion package recorded the acceleration along three orthogonal axes and the rotation around the same axes for at least 20 minutes on each floe. The acceleration data is then processed to obtain the wave attenuation and the energy content in six degrees of freedom. The acceleration data showed that the ice cover effectively attenuated the ocean wave field incident at the ice edge over a short distance. The energy content in floe rotation is much higher than that of the translational mode. Collision frequencies at the five floe locations are also estimated. These data should be useful for future modelling efforts on wave/broken ice field interaction.


Year: 1994

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