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Reference Strengths Based on Total Porosity - a Tool for the Description of the Ductile and Brittle Strength of Ice Frozen from Sea Water or Other Aquaeous Solutions

Author(s): F. U. Hausler

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Keywords: No Keywords

Abstract: Strength results of laboratory grown sodium chloride and urea doped columnar grained ice as well as of first year sea ice are analyzed with respect to their dependencies on strain-rate, temperature, density and dopent concentration/salinity. Uniaxial and biaxial compressive strengths and uniaxial tensile strengths are considered in the strain-rate regime from 2 x 10-6 s-1 up to 1 x 10-2 s-1 and in the temperature range from -15 °C to -5 °C. An improved model for sea ice strength based on Weeks and Assur’s (1968) basic strength is established. In this model the total porosity is taken to be the governing parameter. The total porosity is considered to cover the effects of dopent concentration, temperature and air content or density except in what concerns the temperature dependant behaviour of the pure ice matrix. Strain rate dependencies are taken into account separateley. Distinction is made between ductile and brittle failure. The total porosity is to be determined by means of the phase relations of the individual aquaeous solution. Reference strengths are evaluated for the ductile and the brittle regime representing the strength characteristics of an imaginary void free columnar grained ice at 0 °C under various load orientations and load conditions. It is shown, that the reference strengths are independent of total porosity, strain rate, temperature and dopent type.


Year: 1988

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