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Failure Criteria for Multi Year Ice Based on Medium Scale Field and Small. Scale Laboratory Tests

Author(s): D. M. Masterson; S. H. Iyer

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Keywords: No Keywords

Abstract: This paper presents the failure criteria established from small scale uniaxial and conventional triaxial compressive strength tests performed on samples of multi year ice taken from floes trapped in the landfast ice off the coast of Banks Island in the Canadian Arctic. The criteria is then used to correlate the laboratory test results with the results of a field program involving in situ strength tests on the multiyear ice floes using flat jacks and borehole jacks. At higher strain rates, 10 sec the material exhibited brittle behavior and the failure criteria were given by Griffith's and Mohr's theories. At lower strain rates, the material showed a ductile behavior. The Mohr envelope had a friction angle of zero indicating a Tresca or a Von Mises type of material. An important feature of the analysis is volumetric strain considerations used to characterize the brittle and ductile behavior at different strain rates.


Year: 1988

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