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Earthquake Response Characteristics of Offshore Structures in the Presence of Ice Floes

Author(s): Hiromi Adachi; Nobuyoshi Yashima; Mitsukazu Nakanishi; Hidemi Niki; Yoshiharu Ikezawa

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Keywords: No Keywords

Abstract: Development of offshore structures for ocean resources in ice-covered seas requires various ice technology. There is very little research on offshore structures surrounded by ice floes which are subjected to earthquakes. Based on preliminary study of a platform in the presence of various floating ice floes, it was seen that dynamic response amplitude of a structure subjected to earthquakes may be larger than that caused by the crushing ice force acting on the structure. This report presents production methods for synthetic ice composed of paraffine, oil and pellets. The results of a cyclic penetration test of a cylinder in a level ice sheet is described by an ice force-penetration relationship. To study earthquake response characteristics of fixed offshore platforms in the presence of an ice floe, two types of platforms located offshore and near-shore were used. Earthquake response characteristics of these two platforms surrounded by an ice floe were studied based on linear and non-linear response analyses. They showed that the dynamic deformation of a slender steel platform subjected to earthquakes was significant in the presence of a certain mass of ice floe.


Year: 1988

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