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An Experimental Study on Rapid Frazil Ice Production in Wind-Generated Polynya

Author(s): Shuki Ushio; Masaaki Wakatsuchi

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Keywords: No Keywords

Abstract: Laboratory experiments were carried out to examine the production processes of frazil ice in a wind-generated open water as a function of air temperature and wind speed. The production rate of frazil ice increased with increasing wind speed and with decreasing air temperature. It is found that the wind blowing continuously on the open water surface plays an important role in the process of rapid frazil ice production; that is, the wind-driven current transports supercooled water which formed on the surface to lower layer of the tank and much frazil ice production occurs under water as the state of supercooling is maintained, because a large quantity of heat is released from the open water. We used a Schlieren optical system to observe the phenomena of convection induced by brine exclusion. Most brine excluded on the open water surface was transported with the ice crystals downwind through the wind-driven current and then fell as vigorously mixing with the surrounding water near the edge of accumulated frazil ice layer. It was suggested that salt flux of the brine with the rapid frazil ice production would increase in a region of the accumulated ice layer and that convective mixing in the water should vigorously occur.


Year: 1988

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