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Ice Management at Dickinson Dam Spillway Crest Gate

Author(s): Philip N. Burgi; Duane E. Krogstad

Linked Author(s): Philip H. Burgi

Keywords: No Keywords

Abstract: In the winter of 1981-1982, a spill incident occurred at Dickinson Dam, where a large 186 m (8,000 ft) ice floe broke loose from the upstream reservoir ice cover and floated onto a 61-m- (200-ft-) long by 1.07-m (3.5-ft-) high crest gate damaging the gate and causing failure of the hydraulic control system. Various ice prevention concepts were studied before a final selection was made. An ice control system consisting of an ice boom in the shallow spillway intake channel and a warm water pump system to prevent ice buildup on the gate was designed and installed in 1982. A summary of the system design and operational experience will be presented.


Year: 1986

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