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Influence of Captured Driftwood on Fluid Force of River Bridge

Author(s): Wataru Ueda; Hiro Szuki; Takashi Inoue; Jin Kashiwada; Yasuo Nihei

Linked Author(s): Jin Kashiwada, Yasuo Nihei

Keywords: River bridge; Fluid force; Flood disaster; Driftwood; Model experiment

Abstract: River bridges have recently been washed away due to the occurrence of excess flood with a lot of driftwoods captured on the bridge girders which may increase fluid force on river bridge. However, studies on the effects of fluid forces on bridge girders due to flooding and the impact of driftwood capturing on fluid forces have been limited. This study aims to clarify the effect of the captured driftwood on the fluid forces on bridge girders. For this, we conducted small-scale model experiments for flow around model bridge to measure the fluid force on the bridge with different captured driftwood. The result showed that the fluid force on the bridge girder increased sharply even with a slight increase in the flow rate due to the captured driftwood. In addition, the larger the amount of captured driftwood, the greater the fluid force acting on the bridge girder, and the increase in the projected area contributes to it.


Year: 2023

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