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Two-Dimensional Hydrodynamic Modeling of the Ancachí River (Colombia), and Its Impact on the Geotechnical Stability of the Shores Due to Variations in Pore Pressure

Author(s): Yesica Camacho Salazar, Coauthors Nelson Felipe Moreno Cardona, Carlos Torres Romero

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Keywords: Estuaries; Hydrodynamic modeling; Water level variation; Geotechnical stability; Pore pressure;

Abstract: This paper describes the two-dimensional modeling developed for the Ancachí River, located in the northwest of Colombia, this river leads its waters to the Pacific Ocean through an estuary zone located near the municipality of Nuquí. From many years ago a problem of erosion of riverbank has been seen that is affecting the communities located near the shore, even the landing track of the Reyes Murillo Airport. Some solutions have been done but not of them stopped the problem, so that is why there was a need to study the hydrodynamic of the estuary and its impact on the geotechnical stability of the shores. The 2D model was developed in Delft3D software, supported with field data as water levels, bathymetry, and topography and calibrated with velocities taken with ADCP (Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler). The results obtained were analyzed, and showed that tides have a strong control in the dynamics of the estuary, and that this variation of level daily is generating some erosion process in the shores.


Year: 2019

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