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Leak detection in pipes by frequency response method using a step excitation

Author(s): Witness Mpesha; M. Hanif Chaudhry; Sarah L. Gassman

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Abstract: This paper presents a new procedure utilizing transient state pressures to detect leakage in piping systems. Transient flow, produced by opening or closing a valve, is analyzed in the time domain by the method of characteristics and the results are transformed into the frequency domain by the fast Fourier transform. This method is used to develop a frequency response diagram at the valve end. The frequency response diagram of a system with leaks has additional resonant pressure amplitude peaks (herein called the secondary pressure amplitude peaks) that are lower than the resonant pressure amplitude peaks for the system if there were no leaks (herein called primary amplitude peaks). The location of a leak is determined from frequencies of the primary and secondary pressure amplitude peaks and the leak discharge is determined from the maximum and minimum discharge amplitudes. This method is applicable for practical values of the friction factor over the range 0.01 to 0.025 and can be used to detect leaks in real-life pipe systems conveying different types of fluids, such as water and petroleum. It can be used directly by comparing the frequency response diagram of a modeled system without leaks to the frequency response diagram developed by gradually opening or closing a valve at the downstream end of a pipe and taking measurements of pressure head and discharge at only one location.


Year: 2002

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