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Plane turbulent buoyant surface jets and jumps

Author(s): N. Rajaratnam; S. Subramanyan

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Abstract: This paper presents the results ofan experimental study on the diffusion of plant turbulent buoyant surface jets and jumps. For the buoyant surface jet, a diagram showing the growth of its thickness in terms of its thickness at the outfall with the dimensionless longitudinal distance for a wide range of source Richardson numbers (Ri 0) has been developed. The structure of the mean velocity in the surface jet has also been studied for a fange of Ri 0. It has been found that for surface jumps with supercritical densimetric Froude numbers as large as about 9 there is hardly any entrainment on its lower side. The dimensionless surface profile of the surface jump has been found to be the same as that of the more familiar open channel hydraulicjump. The mean velocity field in the surface jump has also been studied. A comprehensive diagram has been developed to predict whether a surface jet, or surface jump or drowned jump will occur for given values of Ri 0 and the downstream depth of stratified flow in terms of the source thickness b 0.


Year: 1985

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