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The cyclone pump

Author(s): N. Struiksma

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Abstract: Pumping abrasive solids such as sand always leads to damage to the pumping unit. As a contribution to the solution of this problem a modified jet pump is introduced here based on the hydrocyclone principle. For this reason the device has been called the “Cyclone Pump”. The drive is achieved by an exterior pump. The output of the cyclone pump with respect to the driving system is rather low (20-30%). Consequently application is only recommended for cases in which energy costs are not significant, for instance when the pump is a small part of a large system. In the Delft Hydraulics Laboratory the cyclone pump has been successfully applied to the continuous pumping of sand-water mixtures for a sand flume and river scale models with movable bed. In this paper the flow pattern in the cyclone pump and its separation power i.e., its ability to separate solids from the flow, are treated qualitatively. In addition, the results of some preliminary experiments are given.


Year: 1985

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