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Hydraulic Characteristics of Sand Wave in Movable Bed Based on Stochastic Processes

Author(s): Seunghwan Seo; Tadashi Yamada

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Keywords: Stochastic process; Fokker-Planck equation; Step-length; Sand wave

Abstract: Based on the stochastic processes, the hydraulic characteristics of sand wave in riverbed were investigated. The irregularity of sediment transportation on the movable bed to have the physical significance have to be dealt with stochastic process. With using the distribution function of the step-length, we derive a new sand wave equation and compare with another equation derived from the deterministic perspective based on principle of hydraulics in movable bed. We can presume higher orders Fokker-Planck equation in stochastic processes and apply sediment transportation. This study aims to analyze the correlation of sand wave equations from different perspectives and to provide mathematical interpretations of them.


Year: 2020

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