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Sensitivity Analysis on Optimized Size of Unstuructured Mesh of Inundation Flow Simulation Model

Author(s): Kazumitsu Muraoka; Koji Asai; Kenji Ishihama; Naoya Masuda; Takanari Hori; Kunihiko Tachibana

Linked Author(s): Koji Asai

Keywords: Sensitivity analysis; Structured and unstructured mesh; Inundation flow simulation

Abstract: We have conducted the sensitivity analysis of inundation simulation using the optimized 25m unstructured mesh. In the sensitive analysis we employed the numerical results obtained using the 5m structured mesh as the correct results. In addition, we evaluated the result of maximum inundation depth, the time-series of the inundation depth, the arrival time of the flood, the edge shape of the inundation and the time-series of the inundation area. Especially, in order to know the influence of modelling of road structure, we considered two cases of 5m structured mesh with and without calibration by road structure. We have obtained the result that the difference of maximum inundation depth and the time-series of the inundation depth of both models kept within 10%accuracy. Although the arrival time of the flood in the 25m unstructured mesh model was slightly faster than 5m structured mesh model, the error was within 10%on the road structure. The error on the edge shape of inundation and inundation area of 25m unstructured mesh model were 10%. The 25m unstructured mesh model can provide the numerical results the accuracy of which is almost the same as that by the5m mesh structured model in general.


Year: 2016

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