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Estimation of Suspended Sediment Concentration by Acoustic Tomography System

Author(s): Masoud Bahreinimotlagh; Junyak Agami; Kiyosi Kawanisi

Linked Author(s): Kiyoshi Kawanishi

Keywords: Suspended sediment concentration (SSC); Acoustic tomography system; ADCP

Abstract: Fluvial Acoustic Tomography System (FATS) as an innovative acoustic instrument, measured crosssectional averaged suspended sediment concentration in a shallow mountainous river during two dam flush operations. An up-ward looking ADCP (Aquadopp Profiler, Nortek AS) was also used to measure SSC. Thirteen water samples of 1 liter were taken every 80 minutes to measure SSC. Vertical profiles of turbidity were measured by an OBS (Optical Backscatter Sensor) in four points through the river section and they were converted to the SSC by water samples. The depth averaged SSC obtaining from OBS was used to validate the results of acoustic methods. The results of all three methods showed that in the normal state of river, the SSC was about 0.01 kg/m 3, and during the dam flush waves passing, it increased up to 0.08 kg/m 3. This study showed the capability of FATS to measure the fluctuations of.


Year: 2016

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