Author(s): Minha Choi; Seung Oh Lee; Hyojung Kwon; Joon Kim; Jong-Kyu Lee
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Keywords: Soil Moisture; Common Land Model; Energy fluxes; KoFlux
Abstract: In this study, the validation of soil moisture and energy fluxes including latent heat, ground heat, and sensible heat fluxes by Common Land Model (CLM) was investigated with flux tower based measurements in a Haenam Korean regional flux monitoring network (KoFlux) site in Korea. The Haenam Ko Flux site was designed to provide a variety of flux datasets for hydrometeorological measurements. The CLM simulated water and energy fluxes showed reasonable agreement with measured water and energy fluxes. However, computed soil moisture was relatively drier than measured soil moisture (the average values of the measured and modeled soil moistures were 0.40 and 0.29 m 3 /m 3, respectively). While there was good agreement of the net radiation, larger discrepancies were estimated in sensible and latent heat fluxes (RMSE were66 and 60 W/m 2 for the sensible and latent heat fluxes, respectively).
Year: 2010