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Flood and Drought Management in Large River Basin

Author(s): Saisunee Budhakooncharoen

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Keywords: Integrated water resources management; Flood and drought management; Water related disaster

Abstract: Full flood and drought elimination in large river basin is not possible since it is impractical on economic and environmental grounds. One of the affordable solutions thus lies through investment in Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM). In this study, the IWRM real practice was planned for the Chi-Mun river basin in northeast Thailand. The major aim is to integrate upstream, midstream and downstream management with understanding in the interrelation and competition of water users. Based on the result of water resources study, it is found that heavy rainfall, lack of large storage to maintain floodwater especially in the middle and lower reaches of the river, lack of appropriate drainage system and flood wave from the Mekong river are major causes of flood especially in the lower basin area. Meanwhile, water deficit throughout the basin is due to remarkable seasonal distribution of rainfall and runoff and its variability from year to year. All possible water resources management therefore has to be integrated. For comparative analysis, MIKE BASIN and HEC-RAS were utilized to simulate and help evaluate alternative development of water and irrigation scheme combinations in term of river basin level planning and management. The principle is focused on the natural and the physical phenomena description based hydrological constraints, availability and accessibility of water resources regards to technical, institutional, social, environment, responses and positive or adverse impacts based such development.


Year: 2010

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