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Integrating Spatial Multi Criteria Decision Making (SMCDM) with Geographic Information Systems (GIS) for Determining the Most Suitable Areas for Artificial Groundwater Recharge

Author(s): M. Zare; M. Koch

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Keywords: No keywords

Abstract: The Shabestar plain is located in northwest of Iran. Increasing population, agricultural development and illegal well pumping have increased the exploitation of groundwater resources in this plain. This phenomenon, along with recent droughts, has led to severe decreases of the groundwater levels over the last years. In order to reduce this crisis, the establishment of groundwater artificial recharge projects can be a suitable solution. An important step in the realization of such projects is determining suitable areas. In this study the Spatial Multi Criteria Decision Making (SMCDM) was used in conjunction with Geographic Information Systems (GIS) for that purpose. More specifically, seven main parameters including land slope, soil hydrologic groups, alluvium thickness, quaternary units, groundwater level were considered as the main layers in GIS, while pasture land and water drainage network were used as efficient layers for locating artificial recharge areas. The data layers for each one of these variables were supplied by GIS. The ranges of change of the five main layers were then classified in accordance with their importance in locating process. These data layers were afterwards assessed with one another by means of a pairwise comparison matrix with regard to their significance to locating by applying the Analytical Hierarchy System (AHP) technique. The selected areas are integrated with exclusionary areas from pasture lands and the presence of water drainage networks. Finally seven separate regions with an area of 124.3 km 2 (=10.42%of the flood plain) are identified as appropriate flood spreading recharge areas. Based on the annual potential of runoff production, that has been calculated by Justin’s method, the areas were prioritized. Thus region#3, with a surface of 38.6 km2turns out to be best place for artificial recharge, as it has7.65 million cubic meter (MCM) runoff production per year, whereas regions#2 and#1 have second and third priority, respectively.


Year: 2016

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