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Flash Flood Prediction, Case Study: Oman

Author(s): E. Holzbecher; A. Al-Qurashi; F. Maude; M. Paredes-Morales

Linked Author(s): Ekkehard Holzbecher

Keywords: No keywords

Abstract: In Oman flash floods regularly cause damages on buildings, infrastructure and cost lives. Prediction of flood routing can thus be a valuable tool to mitigate the effects of extreme precipitation events. These tools can be part of warning systems and used for risk maps in urban planning. However, it is a challenging task, due to severe uncertainties and lack of hydrological parameters as well as the frequent occurrence and importance of hydrological extremes. While flood routing is general a difficult task in arid and semi-arid climates, the problem is aggravated in Oman, not only due to geographical conditions, but also due to urbanization etc. Finally we describe the approach for flood prediction using 2D distributed physically-based integrated modelling.


Year: 2016

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