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Banki-Michell Micro-Turbines for Energy Production in Water Distribution Networks

Author(s): V. Sammartano; P. Filianoti; G. Morreale; M. Sinagra; T. Tucciarelli

Linked Author(s): Tullio Tucciarelli

Keywords: No keywords

Abstract: The design of a new Banki-Michell type turbine is proposed for electricity production from pressurized pipes. The advantage of the new turbine is its simplicity, as well as the direction of the outlet flux, which remains in the same plane of the impeller and of the original pipe axis. The turbine has a total length of10-12 times the diameter of the hosting pipe. The design procedure is validated with a given set of input data using ANSYS CFX numerical solver: the specific energy difference between the inlet and outlet section, the expected discharge, the impeller rotational velocity. Solution is found for a given set of discharges after changing the impeller rotational velocity in order to keep the relative velocity always equal to 2. Efficiencies remain above84.3%for all the tested discharges, with a maximum/minimum discharge ratio equal to 4.5 and a peak value of86.8%.


Year: 2016

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