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Fuzzy Regression Analysis Between Sediment Transport Rates and Stream Discharge in the Case of Two Basins in Northeastern Greece

Author(s): M. Spiliotis; V. Kitsikoudis; V. Hrissanthou

Linked Author(s): Vlassios Hrissanthou

Keywords: No keywords

Abstract: Systematic measurements of sediment transport rates and stream discharge were conducted in two basins, in northeastern Greece. Separate measurements of bed load transport and suspended load transport were performed for these basins located near Xanthi (Thrace, northeastern Greece): Kimmeria Torrent basin with an area of about 35 km 2 and Kosynthos River basin with an area of about 237 km 2. Measured data of rainfall depth, rainfall duration, water discharge and sediment transport for the outlets of the above basins were available. In this study, relationships between sediment transport rates andwater discharge are presented, based on nonlinear fuzzy regression, due to the fact that there is insufficient and no absolutely reliable data. Thus, two curves were studied regarding the basins of Kimmeria Torrent and Kosynthos River: (i) the suspended load transport rate versus rainfall intensity and water discharge and (ii) the bed load transport rate versus water discharge. The selection of the fuzzy curves is proposed based on the aims to minimize the total fuzziness, while all the data must be included in the produced fuzzy band. However, overfitting behaviour must be avoided. Useful other conclusions are presented.


Year: 2016

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