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Mapping of Pollutants Transport in Porous Media with Geoelectrical Methods

Author(s): V. A. Copertino; C. Fallico; V. Lapenna; E. Migliari; V. Telesca

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Keywords: Water pollution; Transport processes; Geoelectrical survey

Abstract: A geophysical survey, based on geoelectrical and self-potential methods, was carried out in a test site located in Montalto Uffugo (Cosenza, Southern Italy), during the injection of a natural tracer. These prospecting techniques allow us to outline the complex geological features and the hydrogeological structure of the investigated area. Furthermore, the application of ultra-high resolution tomographic techniques gives a contribute to correlate the electrical resistivity values to hydraulic parameters for the study of the transport processes of pollutants in groundwaters under controlled conditions.


Year: 1999

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