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One-Dimensional Hydrodynamic Model of the Channel in Middle Route of the South-North Water Diversion Project

Author(s): Caihong Tang; Yujun Yi; Xi Cheng

Linked Author(s): Yujun Yi

Keywords: Long distance water transfer project; One-dimensional model; Hydraulic structure; Water level change; Water dynamics

Abstract: The main canal of the Mid-route of the South-to-North Water Diversion Project (MRP) is 1277 km in length. The structures and reservoirs were seen along the channel in Figure 1. The MRP can transfer water more than 1. 30*1011 m3 from Dangjiangkou reservoir (1) in Hubei province to Tuancheng Lake (6) per year, which accounts for 29% of total water volume transferred by the South-to-North Water Diversion Project. The Beijing-Shijiazhuang Emergency Water Supply Project (BSP), south from the Grand Canal hub imports in Shijiazhuang, Hebei province, north to Beijing Tuancheng Lake, has a total length of 307km, accounting for 24% of the whole middle route. This route has priority to supply water for Beijing by joint operation of reservoirs including Gangnan (2), Huangzhuangbi (3), Wangkuai (4), and Sidayang (5) in Hebei province. The BSP has characteristic of long distance and with complicated hydraulic structures. This reach was chose from Xishi tunnel (A) at Yishui county to Beihengqi road bridge (L) as a typical channel. One-dimensional constant flow in open channel mathematical model was used to analyze hydraulic variation. The effects of different types of hydraulic structures on the flow were researched. The flow characteristics of five kinds of hydraulic structures, including inverted siphon, check gate, tunnel, culvert and aqueduct, were considered. Different formulas were adopted for different hydraulic structures. The model setting and consideration of the five structures were described, which were based on hydrodynamics simple and applicable principles. The accuracy of the model was validated by regulated parameters. At the same time, the water level change processes were simulated. The simulated results provided demonstration of model setting for long distance water diversion project and special hydraulic structures. Additionally, a basis was established for building canal water quality model and sudden pollution accident emergency early warning forecast system at the late period.


Year: 2013

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