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3D Flow Measurements of a Swirling Jet Induced by a Propeller by Using Piv

Author(s): Hsieh Shih-Chun; Chiew Yee-Meng; Hong Jian-Hao; Cheng Nian-Sheng

Linked Author(s): Yee Meng Chiew

Keywords: Propeller; Swirling jet; Velocity distribution; Particle image velocimeter

Abstract: The swirling jet induced by a ship propeller has attracted the attention of many researchers. This is because the high velocity generated by a ship propeller not only can damage the ferry/quay structure but also induce sediment suspension from the seabed. In order to improve the understanding of the swirling jet induced by a ship-propeller, particle image velocimetry (PIV) measurement technology is utilized to measure the 3-dimensional flow field downstream of a five-bladed propeller. Measurements of the mean flow field show that the axial component of the velocity has the biggest contribution to the overall velocity flow field and the second and third contributors are the tangential/transverse and radial/vertical component of velocity, respectively. The decay of the maximum axial velocity and its position also are investigated and a new formula that describes this decay is proposed.


Year: 2013

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