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Operation of Weirs in the Han River During the Flood Period

Author(s): Minji Kim; Sungsu Hong; Eulrae Lee; Kyung-Soo Jun

Linked Author(s): Kyung Soo Jun

Keywords: Unsteady flow model; Flood; Gate operation; Weirs; Han River

Abstract: A numerical model was developed that can simulate gate openings of weirs as well as the unsteady flow in a river reach. It is a multiply-connected network model based on the Preissmann's four-point scheme and the Newton-Raphson method, and appropriately simulates composite flows at multi-functional weirs in the four major rivers of South Korea including weir overflow, orifice-type flow, and fluvial-type flow. To test the simulation capabilities of the model, it was applied to the stream reaches of Han River. Historical floods were simulated for the operation strategies that gates are closed for water level below a certain reference level and gate openings increase as the water level rises. Sensitivities to the parameters of the gate operation strategy were analyzed. The prescribed operation condition was well simulated by the model. The computational model developed herein can be utilized in establishing operational strategies during flood periods for the multi-functional weirs in the four major rivers of South Korea. Not only the gate operation rules for individual weirs, but the systematic operation strategies for a series of weirs located in a river reach are to be developed. This can be done by simulating several historical flood events for various alternatives of gate operation, and then selecting the best strategy based on the simulation results.


Year: 2013

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