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Water Quality Modelling in River-Net of Dongting Lake Basin and Impacts Prediction of Songzi Gate

Author(s): Yanliang Du; Zhanpo Mao; Shiyan Wang; Chang Liu; Jiapeng Wu; Shuhua Yin

Linked Author(s): Chang Liu

Keywords: Hydrodynamic and water quality model; Three-inlet river-net; Songzi hydraulic gate; Dongting Lake

Abstract: Three-inlet river-network is one of the two hydraulic connections between Yangtze River and Dongting Lake. Due to the changing relationship of Yangtze River and Dongting Lake, the hydraulic gate at Songzi inlet is planned to build associated with river dredging in river net area. The regulation scheme of the gate is to divide some water from Yangzi River to Dongting Lake in low water period. Therefore the hydraulics and pollution loads in this area will be altered under the new hydrological process. The hydrodynamic coupling with water quality model has been applied to simulate the impacts of the gate. The computed domain includes part of the Yangtze River and three-inlet river net area. The model has been set up and calibrated based on the investigation of hydrology and water environment and their characteristics in this area. The model predicts the adjustments of new hydraulic relationship of rivers and lake, and the corresponding water quality changes. Combined with the sensitive protected objects, allocation of water resources, local economy, changing of pollution loads et. al, the hydraulic gate impacts on water environment have be analyzed.


Year: 2013

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